Rebuilding my personal site

This is the obligatory 'how I built my site' post that every blog starts with.

There's probably not too much much of interest here since it's a fairly standard setup. I decided to try out Eleventy since I'd heard good things about it, plus it looked relatively simple and the docs were nice and easy to follow.

I didn't really have much content to migrate since my previous site was always a bit of a placeholder site (always thinking about starting a blog or showcasing some projects I've been working on, but never getting round to it).

The nice thing I found with Eleventy is that it is both simple yet flexible. It's not too opinionated about where you put your content, you have a long list of templating languages to choose from, and most of this is customisable via a single config file.

To begin with, I'm intentionally keeping everything fairly basic, in the hope that I will spend more time writing content than tinkering around with the site, but we'll see how that works out!

I also gave Tailwind a try since it seems to be what all the cool kids are using these days. It does take a bit of a change in mindset compared to writing regular CSS but once you get used to all the different utility classes, I can see how it can make you very productive. So far, it seems to be working out well, although the actual HTML and CSS on the site is fairly minimal, so I can't really comment on how well it would work for a more complex website.