Python multiprocessing using a different Python executable

  • #TIL
  • #tips&tricks
  • #Python

Today I Learnt how to run Python child processes using a different Python executable from the parent process.

This is probably only going to be useful in very rare cases, but I learnt that when using the Python multiprocessing library, you can actually run the child process using a different Python executable from that of the parent process.

One (fairly major, but understandable) limitation of this approach is that the child process must run an executable with the same minor version of Python as the parent (e.g. you can't run a child process using Python 3.11 when the parent process is running Python 3.9).

However, this approach could be useful if you wanted to use a different virtual environment in the child process to that of the parent.

In order to set the executable that the child process will use, you need to use the set_executable function from the multiprocessing package. (Note that the documentation on this feature is very minimal).

One important gotcha I found, when trying to use this together with a different virtual environment, is that the virtual environment's packages do not seem to be present on the sys.path by default, so you need to explicitly add them (which is what the sys.path.append(sysconfig.get_path("platlib")) line does in the code below).

Here's a working example of how this can be used:

import multiprocessing
import sys
import sysconfig
from multiprocessing import Process

def main():
    # Try to get httpx version from current process.
    # This will fail since httpx is not installed in this environment
    print("In main venv:")


    # Get httpx version from child venv where it is installed
    proc = Process(target=print_httpx_version)
    print("In child venv:")

def print_httpx_version():
    # For some reason when starting a subprocess using a different Python
    # executable it doesn't add the venv's Python modules directory to sys.path
    # so this 'hack' will do this

    print(f"Python executable = {sys.executable}")
        import httpx

    except ImportError:
        print("httpx not installed")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Link to GitHub Gist

Which produces the following output:

In main venv:
Python executable = /Users/ross/.pyenv/versions/3.11.1/bin/python
httpx not installed

In child venv:
Python executable = /Users/ross/dev/tmp/multiproc/venv-child/bin/python